Sunday’s successful blockade run could signal to international shippers that it’s reasonably safe to resume operations from Ukrainian ports.

  • @[email protected]
    2311 months ago

    The best answer to Russia’s blockade would be a NATO escort. Unfortunately Turkey would need to be on board and Erdogan is trying to play the role of mediator in the conflict.

    • @[email protected]
      1011 months ago

      I actually don’t blame him for trying to play mediator, I think that’s a good thing here, because I want putin to think there’s always room to talk even while his army is being incinerated around him.

      But we should send speedboats with the US flag carrying kfc in and out of Odessa with each convoy.

      Ukraine is beating Russia, best case scenario for everyone is this keeps happening slowly enough that putin doesn’t do anything stupid while his empire collapses around him.

      • @[email protected]
        -2611 months ago

        You’re in a bubble of complete misinformation. You cannot seriously believe Ukraine is beating Russia.

        • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy
          511 months ago

          Well they’ve taken more land back in the last couple months than Russia took in the last year, so there’s that.

          Russia were kicked out of Kyiv

          Russia were kicked out of Kharkiv

          Russia were kicked out of Kherson

          The reclamation of Russian held Ukrainian land in the east and the south appears to be accelerating.

          Russia is resorting to fielding T-54s and T-55s (how embarrassing 😬 )

          Putins support at home appears to be slipping

          Ukraine has the full support of the west

          Russia barely has the tentative support of China

          • @[email protected]
            -3011 months ago

            You’re being lied to. You need to drop wherever you’re getting your information, it’s all completely false. These are fantasies.

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                Russia never occupied Kiev, it pulled back after the peace agreement that Zelensky reneged on. Ukraine has lost its last army. It’s over, they have no chance. Good riddance to the Nazi scum.

                EDIT: A lot of triggered Nazis in here today.

                • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy
                  1011 months ago

                  They pulled back because the VDV were wiped out in the battle of hostomel airport and because they couldn’t fuel their tanks where Ukrainians kept blowing up their logistics.

                  “Good will gesture” was an attempt by the Kremlin to save face while they shuffled back to Belarus with their tail between their legs.

              • @[email protected]
                1811 months ago

                Unfortunately they won’t give you any sources to back up their claims, because they are projecting hard.

        • zephyrvs
          -111 months ago

          Propaganda and repetition. Worked 100+ years ago, still does.

    • @[email protected]M
      11 months ago

      Do you want nuclear war? Because nato and Russia engaging in direct combat is a path to that. I know some US citizens believe that the US has a nuclear missile intercept program so they won’t be affected, but no such system exists and is effective. If one warship fires on another it could lead to a chain of events that kills us all

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Ww2 started because everyone bent over for the Germans and Japanese, which encouraged them.

        In this case, si vis pacem, para bellum.

        Either putin is sane and pulls back, or he’s insane and war was inevitable.

          • @[email protected]
            011 months ago

            We’re not over there, and the only help we’re giving is because we’re asked.

            People hate russia, they want our help killing russians. Help we are happy to provide.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                Have you spoken to actual Ukrainians?

                They hate Russians, they hate them like… everybody else really.

                Congratulations, Russia managed to do the impossible, unite the world.

                • @[email protected]M
                  -311 months ago

                  Have you spoken to actual Ukrainians?

                  Yes, actually. An ethnically russian ukrainian who fled before the war. Can you guess why she had reason to flee?

                  Congratulations, Russia managed to do the impossible, unite the world.

                  Strange how most of the world is either neutral or supportive of Russia then. NATO countries aren’t the entire world.

            • @[email protected]
              -111 months ago

              Nobody hates Russia, except new watching normies. The US is trying to weaken Russia to rob and pillage it again.

              • @[email protected]
                011 months ago

                No, we’re working with China to weaken Russia so we can divide it between us.

                That was the deal.

                China had s choice between a weak and stupid russia as an erratic ally, or a broken russia as a resource depot. They hesitated, but the war in Ukraine sold it.

                The irony is putin started the war partly to look strong in front of Xi so he wasn’t the junior partner in an alliance. The delicious, delicious irony.

                It’s pronounced knee-how btw, might want to practice.

                  • @[email protected]
                    011 months ago

                    2nd strongest army on the world, now 2nd strongest army in Ukraine.

                    Delicious, delicious irony, the US finally got the one thing it needed to destroy Russia forever.

                    An excuse.

        • @[email protected]M
          11 months ago

          Ww2 started because everyone bent over for the Germans and Japanese, which encouraged them

          This is extremely simplified and comes off as silly. German appeasement was partially because France and Britain wanted Germany to attack the USSR, partially because they needed time to rearm. The US empire had a policy of provocation and containment of the Japanese empire.

          In the era of nuclear powers wars are done with non nuclear proxies to avoid a nuclear exchange.

          WW2 was pre-nuclear weapons. It turns out that changing material conditions makes old responses inappropriate.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            In the era of nuclear powers wars are done with non nuclear proxies to avoid a nuclear exchange.

            Great, then we’ll give Ukraine F-35s, F-22s, B-1Bs, swarms of Predators and Reapers and be on our way then.

            See how easy it is to proxy war Zelensky right into Moscow with a smile.

            There are no “Rules” to war, people do what they do and you have to be ready for it. Putin made a catastrophic error and we have to prepare for all eventualities, both good and bad, which means para bellum.

            • @[email protected]M
              -311 months ago

              Great, then we’ll give Ukraine F-35s, F-22s, B-1Bs, swarms of Predators and Reapers and be on our way then.

              Sure, why not? And while we are at it why not some white elephants?

              Also predators and reapers are meant for asymmetric operations where your opponent doesn’t have AA or an airforce.

              If you want to give Ukraine an advantage and continue the bloody war just make more artillery shells.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            The US empire had a policy of provocation and containment of the Japanese empire.

            We stopped selling them oil and steel, that’s it. After they butchered and butchered China including the rape of Nanking.

            Dude, look in the mirror, you need to live with that person and you’re excusing the crimes of Unit 731.

            • @[email protected]M
              11 months ago

              Dude, look in the mirror, you need to live with that person and you’re excusing the crimes of Unit 731.

              1. Not a dude, stop assuming everyone on the internet is.

              2. The pacific theater were two extremely violent empires duking it out.

              A) Do you think the US hasn’t done worse than the rape of Nanking and Unit 731?

              B) The US policy of containing Japan and economically provoking them does not mean that Japan was justified, it is simply the lead up to war between two incredibly violent factions competing over the same resources.

              • @[email protected]
                211 months ago

                Unit 731?

                Show me something we did on that level, not acts of war like bombings, but actual monstrous cruelty on that level.

                • @[email protected]M
                  11 months ago

                  We’re still doing Guantanamo Bay. Abu graib is another one. If youre looking for direct comparisons. We also went around teaching puppet governments how to torture dissidents.

                  Not to mention that we saved the Unit 731 scientists for their expertise.